From career girl to babbling mom!

It s been a really long while since I posted anything. It obviously doesn't mean nothing has been happening, it just means I have been procrastinating as usual, with the tomorrow coming today, after one and half years! But then, if I post everyday you guys would get bored right? πŸ˜„
So to give a brief synopsis of what happenedo far, I gave my theory exams in june,got pregnant in July, vomited my guts out from July to January and then finally pushed her out on March 6th.
Obviously I wasn't the glowing happy mom- to- be. I, err, was a little less than ecstatic when the stick turned pink ( do not judge me O mom s out there or if u do don't let me know, I could be vicious and blame it on post partum depression -which I was sure I'd have but turned out I didn't πŸ˜†)
Anyway to no surprise to me and lots to Sam (my significant other if u guys had forgotten) I had no maternal instincts whatsoever,  while I was pregnant, to the point that I was worried whether I'd get any at all when she comes 😨.(yes i knew it was a she)All I was worried about was the pain I would have to go through(cause my husband aka the devil vetoed elective caesarean which made me question him again as to why I married him or why he should have say in how I get my baby out-he was smart enough to just let me vent my pregnancy hormones away πŸ˜†) and how to stop throwing everything up, and not to forget, my obsession about how I am going to lose all those kilos which just seemed to increase no matter how much I puked 😑
So after almost 24 hours of labor only 4 of which was actually torture (yay to epidural,it actually works πŸ˜‚ )Evelyn arrived all of 3.4kg and 50cm! It sounds like she would be a good size baby rite? But she looked tiny! I couldn't believe I had actually done it (pushed her out, that is) and was still up to talk(sam would say complainπŸ˜†) about it and since I had threatened him for 9 months about disowning him if he was his usual late self, the baby daddy was there not only to receive her but hold my hand too! As much as I hate to admit it,I have to conceed grudgingly that he was pretty greatπŸ˜†
Fast forward to 2 months I am beyond shocked at the maternal instincts I have developed!πŸ˜‚(thank god for oxytocin)I think now I should be worried whether I ll be the stereotypical mom cause my priorities have changed like I wouldn't believe. I am still amazed at the cringe in my heart on seeing her toothless smile! She cries her lungs out and upsets me to no end,she has given me new definition of sleepless nights and yet the new mom in me is constantly googling baby sites lest I do something wrong.
Obviously there are nights when cries makes me wanna pull my hair out but otherwise I would be a happily babbling mom just to see her smile at me!
orny as it may sound, I am sure all new moms out there agree tht their child has d most precious smile😁😊


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