
Showing posts from May, 2012

forward i go..

i am not even sure anyone reads the random ravings of MOI but it gives me intense satisafaction to think i have a wide and varied audience who patiently reads through my ramblings and hopefully it brings on their(atelast on 1) faces a smile, if that happen s i d say my job here( though i have been absconding for mooooonttthhs) is DONE! anyway laziness plus too many things happening but none of significane can be blamed on these rare appaearances. so i make no promises that i ll follow through with this one and become a prmanent blogger (ppl would prolly thank me for tht :D) anyway for anyone who hasn been updated on my change of scene, i finished mbbs,house surgeoncy,graduation,8 unsuccesful entrance exams(no it doesnt make me pathetic :D),shifted bases to thrissur,started work(hard earned money has its own value :D) and am hoping to sudy study and study this year in hopes of cracking the 9th exam!! even though blogging is supposed to be open your soul kinda thing me being an extre...