
Showing posts from August, 2008

Something about nothing!

Note: this has been an effort frm my part to get back to blogging.postin an article i scribbled for the magazine. I don’t even like sitting and writing articles for the purpose of it being read and criticized by the half the population u know but this is a special situation. On top of helping out a friend who seems to be in dire need of articles to publish I get to aggravate my roomie aka best friend to the limit! You’ll ask if she can’t put up a protest over being written about. Usually she would, but considering her cocky “write about me” statement (which she never in the world thought I would actually do) is the reason I am even writing this nonsensical piece of prose, puts her at a disadvantage in an argument. Writing about your roomie is so 4th standardish so I’ll try to explain the room arrangement we both share which seems to confuse all my guy friends as to how we are roomies but not really. Contradicting isn’t it?! We are roomies cause I am in her room more than half the time ...