the road ahead..

Freedom has am entirely different meaning around could mean late night parties or romantic dates with your girl/boy friends at all the beautiful spots in and around this beautiful campus or it could also mean ending your life and leaving a never ending list of “why” s like my senior of 5th sem did last week…it all depends on you. you have to know who you are and you are not to handle all the freedom and life here.
I don’t think I ever imagined the enormity of the place I was walking into. It took me 1 week to just go to my class rooms without getting lost let alone all the places worth visiting around here! and let me add the small detail that I still get lost in the hostel!! All these doesn’t change the fact that it’s the best place to study if you really want to !! it provides you with all the facilities and opportunities to shape yourselves and your future in any way you want to .having said that now its up to me to decide the path I wanna take up in my life…
The future seems like a pile of clay right could turn out into a beautiful statue or a deformed mass of mud....and I am the artist who decides what happens next…with all the prayers and wishes surrounding me I am sure I cant go wrong….