The curse of Ambition

I have reached a juncture of my life where within a year a lot of decisions have to be made. Unlike the usual obsessive planning I do for my life,thinking about the next couple of years gives me the creeps. Never has it been this confusing.When I was in tenth it was study for boards and get into ISC, when in 12th it was get good marks work for entrance and get into medicine.Every year from then on, was just study to get to next year.Then post MBBS it was entrance all over again but all those times there was never any major confusions regarding where I was heading towards. It was always working towards getting a good career & getting married to sam  but now both are enroute, I have no worries that my dad is going to throw the gauntlet down and stop me form marrying sam (cause its already done and they seem to like him more than me these days :O :I)

But now i have so many options in front of me, staring at my eyes, willing me to pick one and not regret it for the rest of my life.Do i relax when this is over or do i work again for progressing my career, do i start a family or do i go get more training which i really want to do.Can i have kids but not feel guilty about going for work.Can i have it all?

How do i know what to pick,how do i kinow what is right? How can i be sure i am not going to regret my decision 10years later? I am 26 years old, doing post graduation,happily married and i still have no clue what to choose. Add to that the confusion of love vs familyvs career i really wish at times life would be simpler.Gone are the days when the most complicated decision i had to take was to study or not to study.

If I had been a less ambitious self i would have been more content, ready to adjust with whatever life throws me but sadly I am not,never have been. Neither am i the kind to let life pass by,ending up wherever it wishes to take me.The curse of ambition is upon me,never has it troubled me this much that i am obsessive(it obviously only troubles others )The next few years will see me either go abroad for training,or go with Sam and start working or maybe start a family or maybe all at once :D

Wait and Watch or rather Wait and Read, i promise you it ll be an interesting read :P


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