A moment of introspection
Life has and ,I guess, always will be a mixed bag of surprises,some happy, some sad but never boring. I have been surprised at the curveballs it's thrown my way ,as if to check whether I am still in the game. Thankfully I still am.
Thinking back everything seems like a pre- written step towards something. I am not sure where it is supposed to lead or how I am supposed to make a difference but as usual I have been more or less happily going with the flow.
Things have happened in my life which makes me constantly feel that someone is looking out for me. Be it ending up in manipal(which even with the fees only was not easy for my parents to afford), meeting my friends turned soul sisters(sanity was their department ),meeting sam,losing my brother(an irreplaceable loss), marrying sam (who has become my pillar of support strength annoyance and irritation all combined in one) falling in love with anaesthesia, getting to study under an awe inspiring teacher, pregnancy, exams, court,exams again, and never to forget falling unconditionally and irrevocably (I didn't think such depth of feelings were possible ) in love with Eva.
Finally it's another turn,that of a job. With 10 years of studying behind me,finally the time has come to learn to start standing on your own rather than in the safe shadows of others. I am excited ,as I always am, about a new venture. Along with it are a handful of trepidations about the path ahead.
But as always I feel the presence of a guardian angel,never too far,never too close. I call him God and my shaky faith reminds me many a times of how i have always been in good hands but, as is the nature of man, I am prone to doubt. But I guess that is human.