there are some in your life,some in every ones life - either u hate them or u love them- but you just cant ignore them,they are a strong presence in your life though you acknowledge it or not .without them life would seem dull and grey but at the same time there are times when u wish they werent a part of your perfect world.these people know were you hurt the most and they also know what makes you the happiest person in the world, and they can and do use their knowledge to the effect they may desire . they are extremely passionate,and caring and loyal to the core but they demand the same from every one else but that doesnt make them bad people ,it just makes them infinitely difficult to understand .they bring out the best and worst in you and what makes it so exciting to know these people are that they complete you , without them u would be like a painting without colour..........
hey dont think its a new movie ...actually it may be but the only acting in it is me....... coz "growing up "is exactly my situatoin now....i am out of skool so i a'int a kid any more but nor am i grown up in just the few months which i hav gotten out frm skool .. every kid wants to grow up fast and so did i ,but now i am in the middle and its damn confusing .i a'int a kid any more so no one can tell me what to do except my self and the pitfall is that i cant blame any one for my mistakes any more [:P].i dont hav any shedules to follow any more, i am on my own...but that makes a gal like [goin on 17 soon to b 18]me terrified i am gonna make a mistake ,my parents arent gonna b able to make right for me..i have to make all my decisons on my own and i cant rebel against the decisions i make for my self can i?????now that is something i am gonna get used to ,not rebelling i mean..hmmm how does someone,a kid but not a kid, like me know how to make decisions on a dailybas...
coz pple are nowadays ignoring frends.... I cant understand why.