the deepest of all......
the deepest of all oceans coudnt match up to the depth of a woman's mind if you dont agree find out for yourself but i guess no one can ever measure its depth .......
every word she says ,every little thing she does has thousands of meanings for her but no one understands it the way she does . a gals mind is like a deep blue ocean , clear as crystal in one second and turbulent and stormy in the next , no one knows why ..........
somebody told me a gals mind is like a guitar ,wen u pass your fingers over the strings u get sounds of all kinds ,a melodious tune or a note unpleasant , it resonates with the sounds and this kept me thinking .............it was so right wen someone tells me something a thousand voices go through my mind before i make any of my usual outbursts ,people say i am spontaneous ,that i dont think before i say something ,if a thousand sounds reverberates in the mind of a spontaneous gal like me , i cant even imagine wat it must be like for others......may be it was meant to be that way .....may be we were meant to think about the voices in our mind before we plunge headlong into something ........
i have become so accustomed to hearing those voices that i cant even imagine living without them ,i would be completely and utterly lost without them ,they say mariana trench is the deepest place on earth , i disagree .they havent measured the depth of a gals mind ......
Good one TP. Wen I say I don't understand a gal, its because she does something that I did not expect. I respect this depth. Its something that makes and breaks everything in this world.
Keep posting gal! *claps*
I dont kno if a gals mind is very deep or not but i really cant find this BIG difference poets and writers say about a Girl's mind , compared to a boy.