writing about your life is always hard it coz makes you review your life in ways you have never had to .it makes you remember tidbits of your life which were long burried in deepest of your hearts and and try making sense of it now ,at a later time ,it makes yopu remember the gud and the bad .
life to me was always a book ,never completely read nor completly ignorant.the characters changed from time to time but their imporatance still remained,without them the book would be nothing but a colourless and drab blank page. but it was never so,to me it was always painted ,be it with red of passion,white of responsiblities ,green of loyalty,or yellow of friendship.......................,it was never dull nor was it ever blank but each new day brought a new colour. a colour for me to learn from ,for me to understand and above all for me to appreciate...................


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